Tác phẩm với thơ ca Bốn_mùa_(Tchaikovsky)

Mỗi tác phẩm được đề thêm một vài dòng thơ cùng chủ đề

  1. January: At the FiresideJanuaryA little corner of peaceful bliss,the night dressed in twilight;the little fire is dying in the fireplace,and the candle has burned out.(Alexander Pushkin)
  2. February: CarnivalFebruaryAt the lively Mardi Grassoon a large feast will overflow.(Pyotr Vyazemsky)
  3. March: Song of the LarkMarchThe field shimmering with flowers,the stars swirling in the heavens,the song of the larkfills the blue abyss.(Apollon Maykov)
  4. April: SnowdropAprilThe blue, pure snowdrop — flower,and near it the last snowdrops.The last tears over past griefs,and first dreams of another happiness.(A. Maykov)
  5. May: Starlit NightsMayWhat a night!What bliss all about!I thank my native north country!From the kingdom of ice,snowstorms and snow,how fresh and clean May flies in!(Afanasy Fet)
  6. June: BarcarolleJuneLet us go to the shore;there the waves will kiss our legs.With mysterious sadnessthe stars will shine down on us.(Aleksey Pleshcheyev)
  7. July: Song of the ReapersJulyMove the shoulders,shake the arms!And the noon windbreathes in the face!(Aleksey Koltsov)
  8. August: HarvestAugustThe harvest has grown,people in families cutting the tall rye down to the root!Put together the haystacks,music screeching all night from the hauling carts.(A. Koltsov)
  9. September: HuntingSeptemberIt is time!The horns are sounding!The hunters in their hunting dress are mounted on their horses;in early dawn the borzois are jumping.(A. Pushkin, Graf Nulin)
  10. October: Autumn SongOctoberAutumn, falling down on our poor orchard,the yellow leaves are flying in the wind.(Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy)
  11. November: TroikaNovemberIn your loneliness do not look at the road,and do not rush out after the troika.Suppress at once and forever the fear of longing in your heart.(Nikolay Nekrasov)
  12. December: ChristmasDecemberOnce upon a Christmas night the girls were telling fortunes:taking their slippers off their feet and throwing them out of the gate.(Vasily Zhukovsky)

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